SAU1 Power Staff John Knorr and Renee Benise empower self advocates to Speak Up! with a presentation at the HACC Transition Fair in March 2019
Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA)
Self Advocates United As 1 (SAU1) Shares Power with Everyone through SAPNA
SAU1 is proud to manage the Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA) project for the PA Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).
SAPNA staff, trained Power Coaches and Facilitators, lead talks about things important to people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism. All materials are written by our
Power Coaches and approved by ODP.
SAPNA staff believe Knowledge is Power! Schedule an event for your group, or join us for any SAPNA events to get YOUR power!
Our Power Event Topics
Let’s Speak Up! Let's learn about self advocacy. Learn about your rights, how to be a self advocate, ways to advocate, and the power of groups.
Let’s Get to Work! Let's learn about REAL jobs for REAL pay for people with disabilities. Learn how to plan for and find the job that works for you.
Find out about waiver services and other supports to help, and how to work and keep your benefits.
Let’s Talk about Your Vision for YOUR Everyday Life! Folks will learn to use fun LifeCourse tools to plan for the life they want. Learn about waiver
services, even new and changed ones. Leave with a plan to reach the goals you want in your life.
Let’s Power Up! Do you want to start, or strengthen, your self advocacy group? A true self advocacy group is run by and for the people who belong to
it. Our guided conversation will help your group make decisions about your group, its purpose, and its work.
SAPNA staff also talk with self advocates about Sexual Abuse Awareness.
Knowledge is power, use it to connect with us!
Learn more about Self Advocates United as 1’s (SAU1) work, being a self advocate, and
speaking up for people’s rights
Your donation supports our mission: to support the self advocacy of people with disabilities for positive impact in our communities and in people’s lives.
Self Advocates United as 1 is a non-profit organization. As a 501c3, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for
this contribution.