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Twenty three smiling people holding up one finger to show they are united as one. Some of them are standing, some using wheelchairs.

Sign Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN)'s Petition to Protect SNAP

September 8, 2023 | by sau1admin

PHAN logo above text that reads Pennsylvania Health Access Network Stronger Voices for Better Health.

The deadline for Congress to renew SNAP is coming up on September 30th! Can you sign our petition to tell Congress: renew SNAP with no cuts? Click here to sign the petition.

The deadline to renew the SNAP Program (also known as Food Stamps) is coming up on September 30th when the current Farm Bill expires. Lawmakers in Congress have proposed cuts to SNAP as well as burdensome requirements that would keep people from getting access to food benefits.

The SNAP program helps 1.9 million Pennsylvanians -- including kids, seniors, and people with disabilities -- put food on the table each month. SNAP is a highly effective program for reducing food insecurity, keeping people healthy, and reducing medical costs.

Can you take a minute to sign our petition to tell Congress: renew SNAP now with no cuts? Click the image or button below to sign:

Bread, eggs, and a potato next to a ten dollar bill and some coins. Text to the left reads Tell Congress: Renew SNAP now with no cuts! Text in the lower right corner reads Add Your Name.

Thanks for taking action! If you have questions about SNAP, please reach out to me at

Joanna Rosenhein
PA Health Access Network

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PA Health Access Network
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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