Board Vice President
Hi, my name is Thalia Dafermos. I live in Chester County and I am Vice President of SAU1’s Board of Directors. I started as a board shadow in July 2020 and became a board member in September 2020.
I try to contribute ideas from my experience. The pandemic prompted me to join SAU1 because the meetings are now from the comfort of home. It is a great opportunity, but I hope one day to make it to meet in person.
I also attend any meetings related to SAU1 and ODP to share my ideas and experiences during the pandemic and before.
It is important to me to be a self advocate because aside from my disabilities, I feel it’s important. I receive support from staff or people who don’t have a disorder or disability but are capable of supporting me. I am also someone who is confident and stands up for my rights and what is best for me.
I became part of SAU1 because I was receiving emails from them as I was a member for the statewide Speaking for Ourselves and already knew a bit about SAU1. Thanks to the pandemic lockdown in the Spring of 2020 I installed Zoom and learned Zoom techniques and I started Zooming in on the meetings as I found them important.
My favorite thing about SAU1 is that the people are so understanding and supportive as well as friendly.
As part of SAU1 I would like once to make a presentation about my biography and history, the way I was brought up, my schooling, etc.
I live by myself in an apartment but have good friends and support.
In my life outside of SAU1, I enjoy my work with Orion Communities which supports a shelter for homeless people to enable them to have shelter. I also do weaving and am an artist.
I was in school in Rhode Island. I also attended school in Greece. I finished high school.
My vision for my everyday life is to have an independent life with decent support and to be fiercely able to do activities and work I enjoy.
I don’t have a pet. But I would love to have one. Meow!
My favorite food is Greek Moussaka.