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Twenty three smiling people holding up one finger to show they are united as one. Some of them are standing, some using wheelchairs.

Let's Speak Up!

December 15, 2020 | by sau1admin

The words self advocacy: speaking up for yourself and others on a white background above the SAPNA Logo

Join us to learn about YOUR right to speak up about what is important to you!

All guests on all calls are required to share their first name and county.

Call 724 588 2378 or email for the passcode

and join any and all events by one of these ways:

Dial in at (646)876-9923, then your meeting ID: 624 794 330 ##
and the meeting passcode

Or use your smartphone, tablet, or computer and this link:, then enter the meeting passcode.

A SAPNA event

Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA) is a project of the PA Office of Developmental Programs, managed by Self Advocates United as 1.
All guests on all calls are required to share their first name and county.

Knowledge is power, use it to connect with us!

Learn more about Self Advocates United as 1’s (SAU1) work, being a self advocate, and
speaking up for people’s rights

You can reach us in lots of ways. It’s easy!

Mail Us

984 Water St.
PO Box 297
Meadville PA 16335

Email SAU1 at
Give Carla at SAU1 a call at
724 588 2378.

Contact Form

You can also fill out and submit the contact form below.

We will connect with you as soon as possible.

Attend an Event

Check out our events, and come to them if you can!

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Power up our work! Donate Now

Your donation supports our mission: to support the self advocacy of people with disabilities for positive impact in our communities and in people’s lives.

Self Advocates United as 1 is a non-profit organization. As a 501c3, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.