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Power Events

All About Our Wellness

March 27, 2024 | by sau1admin

Banner. Text to the left of the SAU1 logo reads ALL ABOUT OUR WELLNESS Let's talk about: What wellness means, Different kinds of wellness, Good stress and tough stress, Sharing ideas for wellness, and Making your own plan about YOUR wellness!

When? Mon. April 8, 202410 to 11:30am

Where?Wildcat Mansion

4849 US-322

Franklin, PA 16323

Who?This event is open to the public.
People with disabilities and their guests are encouraged to join us.

Contact Carla at the SAU1 office for more information.

Call or text Carla at 814 201 6061 or email at

Would something help you be part of the day, like sign language, braille, captioning, or large print?
Let Carla know and we will make it happen!

Do you want to subscribe to our calendar and have the eventsdirectly on your iCloud or Google Calendar?
Please reach out to

This is SAPNA event! The Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA)SAPNA Self Advocacy Power Network for All
is a project of the PA Office of Developmental Programs,
Department of
Human Services
and managed by Self Advocates United as 1.

The Self Advocates United as 1 Logo has our name and initials. It includes outlines of people in different colors, one using a wheelchair and two walking, to reflect SAU1's diversity. There is an outline of Pennsylvania and sunrise colors. Connect with us! PhoneWebsiteEmailSAU1 on Google Maps.Facebook_Square-0001.pngInstagramLinkedInDonate

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Getting Your Own Place: Myths and Facts Part 2

Date Fri. March 21 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Location Zoom (Link and phone info in description)

Fri. March 21 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…

Click on the event title to read more



Getting Your Own Place: Myths and Facts Part 1

Date Fri. March 14 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Location Zoom (Link and phone info in description)

Fri. March 14 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…

Click on the event title to read more

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984 Water St.
PO Box 297
Meadville PA 16335

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Give Carla at SAU1 a call at
724 588 2378.

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Your donation supports our mission: to support the self advocacy of people with disabilities for positive impact in our communities and in people’s lives.

Self Advocates United as 1 is a non-profit organization. As a 501c3, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.