When? Thurs. April 25, 20243 to 5pm
Where?Washington Park Main Pavilion
139 S. Main St.
Washington, PA 15301
Who?This event is open to the public.
People with disabilities and their guests are encouraged to join us.
Would something help you be part of the day, like sign language, braille, captioning, or large print? Let Carla know and we will make it happen!
Call or text Carla at 814 201 6061 or email at carla@sau1.org.
Do you want to subscribe to our calendar and have the eventsdirectly on your iCloud or Google Calendar? Go to sau1.me/calendar. If you would like us to add you please reach out to power@sau1.org.
This is SAPNA event! The Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA)
is a project of the PA Office of Developmental Programs,
Department of Human Services
and managed by Self Advocates United as 1.
Note: This event is part of:
Washington County’s Intellectual Disability and Autism (ID/A) Recognition Day
Washington County's Administrative Entity is hosting ID/A Recognition Day to celebrate all individuals throughout Washington County.
There will be refreshments, activities, prize raffles, resources and more. All encouraged to attend!
Thursday April 25, 2024
Washington Park Main Pavilion
11:00 AM-7:00PM
*Self Advocacy meeting will be held at the event from 5:00-6:30 PM*
Fri. Feb. 28 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am
Continued from Fri. Feb. 21
How to Join:
For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
Click on the event title to read more
Fri. Feb. 21 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am
How to Join:
For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
Call or Email
The day of t…
Click on the event title to read more