We talk a lot about self advocacy at Self Advocates United as 1 (SAU1), but what is self advocacy?
According to dictionary.com the definition of self advocacy is,”The practice of having mentally handicapped people speak for themselves and control their own affairs, rather than having non handicapped people automatically assume responsibility for them”.
While that may be the definition, self advocacy is so much more than a definition, it is an action, it is about taking control of your own life.
The power of self advocacy is knowing that no matter what, your words matter, and you can speak up. It is important for you to know that you hold the power to be your own advocate. You can tell people in your community and family what you want and need. All you have to do is speak up!
It is important that you have a good support system around you so that you can speak up in whatever way works best for you. If you are comfortable speaking for yourself that is great. But if you need support, it is important that you have a team around you who can help you speak up for what you want and need.
Those supports will look different for everyone. You may need help communicating your whole idea or just need support in making sure that what you need happens. Either way it is okay. Self advocates, allies, and their support staff can get these resources if they know where to look.
For many, finding information about learning to speak up is the hardest part. That is why organizations like SAU1 are so important. As an organization, SAU1 can help teach people to speak up, learn about their rights and how to find a job, plus learn what services are available to them. SAU1 helps people learn to live their life, their way.
Self advocacy can help you unlock the power of your own potential just by using the power of your own voice to speak up for yourself and others.
You can unlock your voice, be with people just like you, and learn to speak up! So..what are you waiting for? Join us at one of our virtual events or in person to learn all about self advocacy. You can view our event schedule on our website. We can’t wait to see you!
Fri. Feb. 28 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am
Continued from Fri. Feb. 21
How to Join:
For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
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Fri. Feb. 21 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am
How to Join:
For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
Call or Email
The day of t…
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