Special guest from ODP, Candi Walton, will be following up on our talk last month about the results of the 2023 Supporting Families Survey.
Then we will have our monthly chat with staff from the PA Office of Development Programs (ODP), the government office that oversees and funds supports and services for people with intellectual disabilities and or autism (ID/A). People with ID/A in PA can speak up with ODP staff about questions or issues with the supports and services for people with ID/A in PA. Others are welcome to listen and learn. After the ODP staff leave, you are invited to stay on for a bit while we discuss what we heard, and gather questions to send to ODP for next month. Please send questions to christine@sau1.org.
For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
Call or Email
The day of the event, go online,
then enter the passcode,
or join right from this event post: click the word "online" above and enter the passcode.
Do you want to subscribe to our calendar and have the events directly on your iCloud or Google Calendar? Go to sau1.me/calendar. If you would like us to add you please reach out using the email or phone above.
For just audio from your smartphone tap
and wait to hear “You are in the meeting now."
For just audio on any phone dial 646 876 9923,
then meeting ID 223 344 5555 ##
This is a SAPNA event! Self Advocacy Power Network for All (SAPNA)
is a project of the PA Office of Developmental Programs,
managed by Self Advocates United as 1.
Would something help you be part of our events,
like sign language, braille, CART, or large print?
Let Carla know two weeks before the event and we'll make
it happen! Call or text Carla at 814 201 6061 or
email at carla@sau1.org.
All SAU1 events are scheduled for eastern time and close captioned for those using video.
Our events are by self advocates for self advocates.
Families, staff, and guests are welcome to listen and learn.
SAU1 reserves the right to remove anyone from our events who does not follow our ground rules as explained on each call.
We hope you will join us!
Knowledge is Power! Use it!
Fri. Oct. 11 2024, 10am to 12pm (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. Oct. 11 10am to 12pm Do you have questions about or issues with the supports and services for people with intellectual disabilities and or autism (ID/A) in PA? Join us for our mo…
Click on the event title to read more
Wed. Oct. 16, 2024, 1 to 3pm (Eastern Time)
The Arc, DuBois Recreation and Respite Club, 36 Hoover Ave. DuBois PA 15801
Learn About: Registering to vote, Your voting rights, Why your vote is important Mail-in or absentee ballots Voting in person Building a voting community What to do if you have problems voti…
Click on the event title to read more
Mon. Oct. 21 2024, 1 to 2:30pm (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Mon. Oct. 21 1 to 2:30pm Learn About: Registering to vote, Your voting rights, Why your vote is important Mail-in or absentee ballots Voting in person Building a voting community Wh…
Click on the event title to read more