David Perry is the secretary for SAU1’s board of directors. David started working with SAU1 in 2018. When asked what his favorite thing about working with SAU1 is, David said, "I wanted to talk to other people, friends, and family. My favorite part about SAU1 is talking about disabilities. I want to know about other things and other people’s disabilities. I hope to understand and listen to other people with honesty and respect.”
Without our board, SAU1 would not be able to function as an advocacy organization. David says it is important for him to be a self advocate because, "I learn to talk to people about disabilities and people’s lives.”
When he is not working with SAU1 David enjoys doing book reports and writing song lyrics for fun. He is also a college student at Widener University. David has done great things for SAU1 since becoming a valuable member of our board.
If you want to learn more about David, you can read more of his bio on our website. Thank you for all you do for us, David, and for being part of the power of SAU1
Fri. Feb. 28 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
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Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am
Continued from Fri. Feb. 21
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Fri. Feb. 21 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am
How to Join:
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get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
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The day of t…
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