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Disability Rights Pennsylvania Survey on Accessible Pedestrian Signals in Harrisburg

February 4, 2025 | by sau1admin


Disability Rights Pennsylvania would like to learn more about the experiences of people who are blind or have low vision who live in, work in, or travel to Harrisburg. We invite interested individuals to complete the survey, which covers the topic of Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS).

Who we are: Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) is a nonprofit law firm and the state of Pennsylvania’s Protection & Advocacy organization. DRP helps people with disabilities in many areas such as access to community services, discrimination, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance issues.

What is APS: APS stands for “accessible pedestrian signals” and means, generally, a pedestrian push button that communicates when to cross the street in a non-visual manner, such as audible tones, speech messages, and vibrating surfaces that makes a signalized crosswalk accessible to people who are blind or have low vision.

A link to the survey can be found here.

Disability Rights Pennsylvania
301 Chestnut Street Suite 300 | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101
800-692-7443 |

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All About Rights! Part 2

Date Fri. Feb. 28 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Location Zoom (Link and phone info in description)

Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am Continued from Fri. Feb. 21 How to Join: For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
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All About Rights! Part 1

Date Fri. Feb. 21 2025, 10 to 11:30am (Eastern Time)
Location Zoom (Link and phone info in description)

Fri. Feb. 21 10 to 11:30am How to Join: For video and audio by computer or smartphone,
get the passcode from Carla anytime before the event!
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The day of t…

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