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2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference: Charting Your Course Scholarships Offered

May 17, 2024 | by sau1admin

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

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A limited number of scholarships for in-person or virtual attendance for youth/young adults and family/caregivers are being offered to attend the 2024 PA Community of Practice Transition Conference.

The PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and PaTTAN are pleased to offer a limited number of in person or virtual youth/young adult and family/caregiver scholarships to Pennsylvania residents to:

Transition aged youth who:

  • Are between the ages of 14-21,
  • Have a current IEP, a 504 Plan or self-disclose that they have a disability

Family member or caregiver who:

  • Have a transition-aged youth between the ages of 14-21
  • Youth has a current IEP, a 504 Plan or self-disclose that they have a disability
  • Youth NOT attending

Youth Ambassadors who:

  • Work collaboratively with teachers, Local Education Agencies (LEA) Transition Coordinators and OVR, PaTTAN and Bureau of Special Education (BSE) staff to improve the transition of students with disabilities from school to postsecondary education or an employment outcome

Scholarships will be awarded through an application selection process. Please address all fields of the application fully, as the Conference Committee will carefully review each application. Scholarship opportunities for families from underserved and underrepresented communities will be given preference.

Additional information and the application can be found at

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