The state of Pennsylvania has lifted the requirement for wearing a mask, but recommends that we follow CDC guidelines.
The information here from the CDC can help people make choices for themselves about what activities they are comfortable doing, and wearing a mask.
Fri. March 21 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. March 21 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…
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Fri. March 14 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. March 14 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…
Click on the event title to read more