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David Perry

September 9, 2020 | by sau1admin

A smiling person with short brown hair, wearing a black and gray sweatshirt, holding up their “I voted” sticker.

Board Secretary

Hi, My name is David Perry.

I live in Delaware County and I am a member of SAU1’s Board of Directors. I talk to other people. I started in 2018.

It is important to me to be a self advocate because I learn to talk to people about disabilities and people’s lives. I became part of SAU1 because I wanted to talk to other people, friends, and family. My favorite part about SAU1 is talking about disabilities. I want to know about other things and other people’s disabilities. I hope to understand and listen to other people with honesty and respect.

In my life outside of SAU1, I write song lyrics and book reports for fun.

I am currently a college student at Widener University.

My vision for my everyday life is to live in my own apartment and get married, to make crafts with art supplies and notebooks, to write book reports, and have my friends over.

I have two dogs. Their names are Holly and Gizmo. I like to hold them and play with them.

My favorite foods are pizza, chicken nuggets, and grilled cheese sandwiches.

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Getting Your Own Place: Myths and Facts Part 2

Date Fri. March 21 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Location Zoom (Link and phone info in description)

Fri. March 21 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…

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Getting Your Own Place: Myths and Facts Part 1

Date Fri. March 14 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Location Zoom (Link and phone info in description)

Fri. March 14 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…

Click on the event title to read more

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