March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month! Attached please find a proclamation from Governor Josh Shapiro acknowledging the many individuals who have developmental disabilities, their contributions and abilities, and their inclusion in our communities.
Image Description: Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2025 Proclamation, signed by Governor Josh Shapiro and including the Seal of the Governor.
The proclamation reads: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Proclamation by the Governor
Whereas, people with developmental disabilities come from diverse racial, ethnic, educational, social, religious, and economic backgrounds, and are valued members of society who strive to enjoy everyday life; and
Whereas, people with developmental disabilities and their families are working for inclusion, equality, recognition and appreciation of their skills, views, abilities and contributions like all Pennsylvanians; and
Whereas, Pennsylvania continues its focus on person-centered approaches, community integration, personal choice, quality in service delivery, health and safety protections, competitive integrated employment, accountability in the utilization of resources, and innovation in service designs; and
Whereas, the rate of individuals with developmental disabilities enrolled for services engaging in competitive integrated employment has reached 18% in the Commonwealth through the increased provision of training, resources, services, and supports that allow more individuals to pursue their desire for employment; and
Whereas, opportunities for training, education and skill-building for those with developmental disabilities continues to grow with the implementation of training programs and inclusive secondary education certificate programs at Pennsylvania institutions of higher learning; and
Whereas, the Department of Human Services continues to offer opportunities to individuals and family members through accessible training initiatives and services that allow them to increase their knowledge and participation in advocacy, supports and disability services; and
Whereas, Pennsylvania continues to build inclusive Commonwealth where all can live and work as part of their community and continue to enjoy their everyday lives.
Therefore, I, Josh Shapiro, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim March 2025, to be Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in recognition of the many accomplishments and contributions made by those with developmental disabilities. I encourage all Pennsylvanians to support those with a developmental disability and their families in all aspects of community life.
Given under my hand and the Seal of the Governor, at the City of Harrisburg, on this fourth day of February two thousand twenty-five, the year of the Commonwealth the two hundred forty-ninth.
Governor Josh Shapiro
Fri. March 21 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. March 21 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…
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Fri. March 14 2025, 10am to 11:30am
Zoom (Link and phone info in description)
Fri. March 14 10:00am to 11:30am Many myths exist about housing choices for people with disabilities. Families CCAN and SAU1 have been working on a project to explain some of those myt…
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